Monday, January 21, 2013

Franken - Seafoam Holo w/ Stamping

I have another one of my frankens to share with everyone. Unfortunately, none of my frankens have names. I do plan on thinking up names eventually, but I'm so uncreative. This franken is a seafoam green, sort of. As I added topcoat, it made the polish a little darker, leaning a little more towards blue. It's also a holo!

Without topcoat

With topcoat

Stamped for fun

I used two coats, and the formula gave me no issues. I wish the holo was stronger, but I could always add more holo. I do like the polish without topcoat more though. 

What do you think? Should I add more holo? Any thoughts on a name? Let me know!

Thanks to Beauty and Fashion on a College Budget, my franken has a name! Ocean's Love. Thanks doll!


  1. Yes more holo! There's always room for more holo! Love of Ocean, or the Ocean's love, or Sea-foam lovers is a good name? Just ideas.

    how did you make this holo? I want it for myself!

    1. I love the name Ocean's Love! I'm going to edit my post so I can include the name.

      I bought some frankening materials from, they sell some primary color bases along with a holo that I mixed up.

    2. Once my next paycheck comes I am totally buying this! Thank you!
